Past the Fat and into the Meat (of Meteor)

23 Mar 2017

Why not call it “Asteroid”?

I am only kidding. I’m sure there is already a piece of software out there called “Asteroid” (or maybe Asteroids…). All jokes aside though, I really came to like Meteor. I still would not say that I have mastered the use of Meteor, but what I have learned so far, I do like.

The Fat

There is nothing I hate more than learning something new!… Said no one ever! At least in hindsight, no one says this. I would have to admit though, learning how to use Meteor has been my greatest struggle yet! Yes, I really do mean this. In terms of all things Computer Science-related, this is by far the most complex. This might have to be how we have to not only have to understand new concepts but also apply these concepts at the same time.

But (insert thing here) was surely worse!

No. I still hold true that Meteor is the single most difficult thing I have learned. In the beginnings, my first ever computer science class was an introduction to Java course. Java, being my first programming language and therefore having a massive learning curve, was way more fun to learn than Meteor. I’d have to say that Meteor is not nearly as mind-blowing as learning one’s first programming language. As such, I haven’t had as much fun with it (yet). It feels more like a chore.

Nits and grits

Don’t get me wrong. I am do not intend to sound like a complainer, as I really do see the usefulness of Meteor. It’s just that I like to learn the nitty-gritty aspects of computer science. I have yet to learn how all this Meteor stuff works on a lower level. I equate it to someone learning how to drive a car without knowing how a car works. I can never have a good time with something unless I know everything there is to know about it.


Yes, after getting past most of the confusion, I have come to like Meteor. It is very useful and I can see how it would be much easier to have us use this so we can just dive straight into development. Practicing with Meteor and Semantic UI, I am highly impressed with what I can accomplish. It amazes me that in one semester I have been able to learn so much. For sure, combining Meteor and Semantic UI allows for very quick and (relatively) easy development of web-applications.

Practice WODs

I think the only real way I will learn to master Meteor is though develpment of my own projects. The Digits assignments in ICS 314 were all a big copy game. We were given a website as an example and we were to re-implement it. We had access to answers as we practiced. In terms of learning Meteor, I only scratched the surface.

It is overall very difficult to truly and dearly describe my experience with Meteor, as this is just the beginning.